
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 1 - Activity 2

Summer Learning Journey, Day 1 - Activity 1

Facts about Maui and The Giant Fish

1. The bait Maui used on his hook was his own blood!
2. Maui's giant fish is known as the North Island of Aotearoa, and the canoe the South Island.
3. The older brothers were greedy and cut gullies and mountains in the fish.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Libby Bowles - Ocean Conservationist

On Monday Libby Bowles came to visit us on a bamboo bike. Libby Bowles is a Ocean Conservationist. She works a lot under the sea - Studying animals, taking water samples, and cleaning up floating debris, Libby rides around the country on a bamboo bike because it can be recycled if it breaks. She talked about mostly about Manta Rays, Whale Sharks and Turtles. After Libby left, we created a DLO about what we learnt, here it is.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Kiwiana Christmas

Last week in Te Ngahere we made Kiwiana Christmas Art. Our art had to represent what Christmas means to us and New Zealand. The winner and their class gets a free viewing of the new movie ‘Kiwi Christmas’. Our Walt was to create a four frame piece of artwork representing what Christmas means to you  and New Zealand. It was really fun creating the artwork. I enjoyed it a lot. I hope we get to do something else like this in the future.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Waimate North Show Ad

A few weeks ago in Te Ngahere, we were learning about the Bay of Islands P&I Show, also known as the Waimate North Show. We created a digital ad to promote the Waimate North Show. We had to add in the cost to get in, events, activities and history. Mine went through to the Waimate North Show and won 1st Place! Our walt was to research the P&I show. Here is my P&I Poster.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

My Creative writing

Saphiria and Mila
WALT: use Hyperboles  and Idioms

Saphira sat at her desk, her sapphire eyes stared blankly out the open window to the rolling waves. Her sand-coloured hair whipped out like ribbons as a salty breeze hit her face. Saphira was a Latin-American, home-schooled 12 year old girl. She lived in a circular whitewashed cottage with a thatched roof. Saphira’s Mother had passed away eight years ago in a car crash, Saphira had only just survived. She had to get one leg amputated and now walked along with one fake leg. Saphira was left with her busy father, who was always working and shouting.

Saphira walked out her room and outside. She whistled a soft tune to herself as she wandered down the grassy bank and thought about the millions of things she had to do today. The blue gem drops of the ocean covered the shore. Saphira strayed far from her house and carried on downs the beach. Saphira’s eyes focused on a small grey lump lying in a shallow pool of water.
“That’s strange. That rock wasn’t there yesterday.” Saphira said confused. She ran up to it. Her eyes started to glaze over with tears as she realised what she was looking at. \46A Maui’s Dolphin. Squirming and writhing in a thick fishing net. Around her beak the net had cut in and blood was trickling down from the gash. Her usually smooth and silky skin was now hard and dry like sandpaper.
“No!” Saphira gasped That's when the dolphin stopped moving.

“NO!” Saphira screamed and tears started falling down her cheeks. She took her phone out of her pocket and called the Marine Service.
“There’s a Maui’s Dolphin here and she’s dying!” Saphira said frantically.
“Hold on Miss, where are you?” Saphira told them were her house was, “Ok, we’ll be there soon!”
After a while the Marine Service showed up.
“Help it!” Saphira rasped desperately.
You sound like you have a frog in your throat, and don’t fret, we’ll have your dolphin fixed in no time. We have to take her to our Marine Rehabilitation centre though.” said on the men working for the Marine Service. “You should come with us and calm her down.”
“Ok.” Saphira said, breathing heavily.

When they arrived at the Marine Rehabilitation Centre, they took the dolphin to a private pool. Some workers lifted her onto a platform just underneath the water. They gave her an injection and cleaned the cut on her beak. She almost looked normal again. Her stormy grey skin was clean and silky, her belly was creamy and white like the milky way. But the cut was still red and puffy.
“Miss, you should go home now or your parents will hit the roof, but come back tomorrow.” said one of the ladies called Hattie, “But first you should name her.”
“Really! Ok . . . how about, Mila!”

The next day Saphira walked to the Rehabilitation Centre. Hattie ran up to her with a smile as bright as the sun.
“Mila is better! Her injury is healing and she is spinning and diving in the pool! In fact we might have to move her to a bigger pool. ”
“Really!” Saphira was completely blown away by Mila’s fast recovery.
“Yes really! Come and see!”

And it was true. Saphira was so happy to see Mila diving out of the pool and doing spins, spraying watery gems everywhere.
“Hop in with her!” Hattie said enthusiastically.

“Ok.” Saphira said as she climbed cautiously into the electric-blue pool. Mila turned towards Saphira and started to zoom in her her direction. Saphira ducked under the water, Mila clicked and squeaked happily at her. Mila started to flip and spin under water. Saphira started to flip and spin in the water. Soon they were dancing - flip, spin, flick, flip, spin and flick. Saphira’s hair floated around her like a golden forcefield. Her sapphire eyes glinted happily like gems. Mila’s tail flicked joyfully, her silky skin sent satisfaction to Saphira. She swam over to Mila and stroked her beak. The cut was slowly healing. Eventually Saphira climbed out of the pool.
“I should go now, but I will come tomorrow.” Saphira walked back home with a skip in her step and a smile glued to her face.

This carried on for the next week. Finally came the time to set Mila back to her natural habitat. Saphira swum out with Mila and waved goodbye, tears spilling out of her eyes.
“I will never forget you!” Saphira called through sobs. Mila clicked sadly in response and swam around Saphira.
“Go! Go free!” Saphira cried. Mila clicked and clicked and squeaked and then swam away into the setting sun.

That night, when Saphira lay in bed, she heard clicking noises.
“Mila!” Saphira sat up and stared out of the window. She ran outside and stood on the bank, wind tugging at her hair. And there she was. Mila, waiting for her.

A few weeks ago in Te Ngahere we created a creative piece of writing. We had to use lots of language features like onomatopoeia, metaphors, similes and adjectives. I already knew how to use all of those so I taught myself some - Idioms and Hyperboles. I think I did well at using Hyperboles and Idioms, but I would like to add more of them into my writing.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

My Persuasive Piece

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
WALT: Strengthen my reflections (opinions about my information)
Rubbish and debris are constantly raising worry on our planet. Dumps and landfills are rising high. We need to do something about this. Just three things you can do to help. REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE! These things are fairly simple when set your mind to it. I will tell you why we should do this and how.
Phytoplankton plays a large role in our world. They provide food for a large range of sea creatures including whales, shrimp, snails and jellyfish. They are a key part to oceans, seas and freshwater ecosystems. Phytoplankton also provides us with half the world’s oxygen. Micro-plastic are tiny pieces of plastic that get carries around oceans in the currents. If the amount of Micro-plastic keeps getting bigger, they will take over Phytoplankton. We will loose half the oxygen we have.
New Zealand is known by other countries as the Clean Green Country. We will soon not be known as this if dumps and landfills keep rising. We will loose tourism, which causes less money. New Zealand will drop down the ranks of Cruise Ship ‘To Go Lists’.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the biggest garbage patch on the planet. There are many other garbage patches in rivers and oceans, but this one is TWICE the size of Texas. The great pacific garbage patch is swallowing up marine animal’s lives constantly. Plastic rings from 6 pack soda cans, plastic rope and fishing nets are the most common traps for marine life. Their stomachs are not able to differentiate the plastic from their regular food. As a result, the animals are not getting the nourishment they need to thrive, which can lead to sickness and, ultimately, death.
How do I help, you may be thinking. You may think that this is not going to help at all, but you never know, you could be saving a marine creatures life.
Here are a couple of things you can do.
  1. Take cloth bags to stores instead of using heaps of plastic bags.
  2. Sort your waste into separate bins e.g - glass, plastic, tin and cardboard bins.
  3. If you are going to put something in the recycling bins, make sure it's clean first.
  4. When buying a beverage, bring your own reusable mug or bottle.
  5. Give up gum, it's made from synthetic rubber, AKA plastic.
I strongly advise you to Reduce, Reuse and RECYCLE. You should resent any usage of plastic and waste unless you have a very good reason for it.

Last week in Te Ngahere we wrote a persuasive about Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We have been learning how to write a persuasive piece for some time now. We have also been learning about Reduce, Reuse and Recycle too. Our WALT was to use the correct persuasive structure. I think I did a pretty good job at setting out the structure. Here is my persuasive structure:

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Visual Mihi

Last week in Te Ngahere, we made a Visual Mihi to help us remember the parts of the Mihi. Each of my pictures resemble parts of the mihi. For example, the first photos on my visual mihi are a Bellbird and a Kea because the first part of the mihi talks about the Bellbird and the Kea calling. I chose these images because they remind me of the things the mihi talks about.

Friday, October 27, 2017

My Writing Goals

Last week in Te Ngahere we created a google drawing for our Term 4 Writing Goals. Our WALT was to identify our next writing goals. My goals are R-6 Strengthen my reflections (opinions about my information) and Complex sentences. I picked these goals because I want to accelerate my learning and to do so I need to achieve these two goals. Here they are . . .

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Maths Goals

Last week in Te Ngahere we made a google drawing for our T4 Maths Goals. We did this by filling out ICAN sheets. I filled out a Stage 7 ICAN Sheet. I picked these goals because I had no idea what they meant whatsoever. Also because I have already achieved Stage 6.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Superhero To The Rescue

ast week in Te Ngahere, White Reading group read a play called Superhero to The Rescue. Superhero to The Rescue is a play about three children who are comparing lunches. Then a Superhero comes along and thinks that there is a bully amongst the children when really she just got the words they were saying muddled up. After we read the story we answered some comprehension questions. Here is my work.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

4 Shot Video

A couple of weeks ago Te Ngahere started a new task called ‘Lights! Camera! Action!’. In this task we were told to make a storyboard for a 4 shot video. A 4 shot video is a video of only 4 shots, the establishing shot, long shot, medium shot and close up. My group’s video’s scene was the Whare. Our WALT was to tell a story in 4 shots. We had help making our video from Mrs G. Here is the link to our video - Link

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

My Report

The last week Te Ngahere was focusing on Report Writing. Our WALT was to write an informational report. First we had to write a report about a chosen country and we had to have a few subtopics. I chose Denmark for my country and my subtopics were currency, traditions and population. Then once we had finished that we wrote other reports about our country like the native animals there, sights, etc etc. Here is my first report.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Common and Proper Nouns

Last week in Te Ngahere we were learning to use Common and Proper Nouns for our Factual Reports. We had to buddy up and make a Google Drawing about Common and Proper nouns. I paired with Astin. The WALT was ‘We are learning to know how to use Common and Proper nouns’. The purpose was to use capitals for the correct words.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

My Travels - Barcelona

Hi. I'm have just been to Barcelona. Now I am at home. I have not been able to blog about Barcelona for a while because I had been doing so much stuff there. I have been to Park Geull, which is a public park, on Carmel Hill. I have also been to Sagrada Familia, a roman catholic church, desighned by Antoni Gaudi. Oh, and I went to a giant food market . . .

I hope you enjoy!

Friday, August 4, 2017

My Travels - Ibiza, Spain

Hi! I am now in IBIZA, SPAIN! I am staying with my Nick (my Uncle), Rachel (my Auntie), Rosie (My cousin), Sienna (one of my BFF's) and Lizzie (Mum's BFF and Sienna's Mum). So far we have been here three days and all those days are being spent going to the markets, shopping and relaxing at the beach! Here are some photos of spanish life!

Here is the beach we are went to yesterday.
Here I am with some children of dad's friends in our pool in the back yard.
Thea, Sienna, Rosie, our parents and I went to this amazing beachside restraunt called ELEMENTS. They have very good MOCKtails there! Here we are at a restraunt called Patchwork (EXTREMELY COLOURFUL!)

Here is a beach we went to yesterday, there they had hippie markets and a campsite!

I hope you enjoy!

Monday, July 31, 2017

My Travels - Amsterdam

Hi Everyone! I am now back in Amsterdam, staying in a canal house (one of those tall, skinny houses beside the canal). We are staying win some old friends of my parents. Martin, Cath, Jack and Tom. Today we went on a canal tour, here are the photos I took . . .

Fun Fact: I have noticed that there are a lot of flags and objects with a symbol on them - three x's. I asked what that meant to the guy driving the canal tour boat. He said it represented the disasters in Amsterdam - The fire, the flood and the plague.

I hope you enjoy and I will be posting more soon!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

My Travels - Texel

Hi everyone. I am now in Texel with my WHOLE family. We have been here for 4 days so far. We went to the beach (LOTS OF JELLY FISH AND PEOPLE). Here are a few pictures of the places of where we have been to so far.
Today we went to a place were they grow strawberries, blueberries, zucchini, tomatoes, black berries and raspberries.
From the top left: Adeline (my Auntie), Natalie (My Auntie), Joost (Natalie's boyfriend), Anne-Claire (Ricky's Girlfriend), Me (hopefully you know who I am), Lucas (my cousin) and Ricky (my Uncle).

Here I am with Rosie (my cousin), Thea (my sister) and Clea (my cousin). We were playing STICKERS!!!

I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

My Travels - Enschede

Hi again! I am now in Enschede! We have been here 4 days and we leave tomorrow (sad face). I have been to Aquadrome already 2 times! Aquadrome is an indoor and outdoor swimming pool - IT IS AMAZING! Sorry I deidn't get any pictures but I have got some of my other adventures!

Here is Thea and Dad as we went bramble berry/blackberry picking, for Poppa and I are going to make a sweet stew out of it! Here is my family and I making then eating Poffetjes! Here's a close up of the poffertjes pan. Here we are in an outdoor mall - Mum was eager to go shopping! I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Netherlands - The Artis Royal Zoo

Hi again! Today we went to the the Artis Royal Zoo in Amsterdam! It was AMAZING! There I had poffertjes ( poff-er-jes) with powdered sugar, nutella, strawberries . . . ANYWAY! It was the best zoo ever! I took some photos of my favorite animals, here they are!

This is a Scarlet Ibis - it looks a bit like a pheonix!

I have NO idea what this bird is called but it is freaky so I will name him freaky dinosaur bird!

I was so lucky to have seen one of these amazing animals - Fennec Fox (my favorite animal next to cats)

This is an Ocelot - amazing animals!

We were in the butterfly sancturary and these are two of the butterflies!

One butterfly landed on my top ( sorry my face looks so cheesy it was bright and I squinted)

After we went to the zoo we met up with Joust and Natalie for lunch (YUM)

I will be posting soon! I hope you enjoy, bye!

Friday, July 14, 2017

My Flight to the Netherlands!

HI! WHAT A DAY! We left Kerikeri yesterday and flew to Auckland and that took half an hour, then from Auckland we flew to Hong Kong for a stop over which took 10 hours and lastly we flew to Amsterdam which took 12 hours. 24 hours in total! We just arrived in Amsterdam and we are staying with my half/step Auntie, Natalie and her partner Joust. Here are some photos of our flight. I will be blogging every couple of days!
This is the tiny dessert we got on the plane!

Me beside the plane window!

The view from the window!

The plane wing!
Freya xxx

Friday, July 7, 2017

Student Led Confrences

On Wednesday Te Ngahere held Student Led Conferences, a new and improved Parent Teacher Interviews. Student Led Conferences are when the student leads the conference instead of the teacher and the student talks to the parents instead of the teacher. Mine was at 4:30. My Dad, Mum and I sat down in Te Ngahere. I showed them my evidence of my Art, Inquiry, Maths, Reading and Writing. We got given my report. In Writing and Reading I am Above and in Maths I am At in the National Standards and we are only half way through the year, so I think I am going pretty good. Here is my Google Drawing that I showed.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Matariki Whanau Celebration

Last Thursday Paihia School held a Matariki Celebration Day. At 6 in the morning some kids went down to the beach to see the Matariki Stars. Then they went back to school for breakfast. There were lots of fun activities planned for us. We did Family art, which is sketches of koru and kowhaiwhai patterns that represented a member of our family. We played games like Maui Matou and Rakau with Harko Brown. We planted shrubs and plants around the pump track for our bird corridor. After that we had a giant shared lunch outside the whare. There were cakes, biscuits, wraps, sandwiches and chips piled on the long, white tables. The food was AMAZING! That day was most definitely the best.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Matariki At Waitangi

Last week on Tuesday Paihia School went to The Waitangi Treaty Grounds. We played games like Rakau and Maui Matou. We wove Flax Kites and had Kite Flying Competitions. We planted trees. Tessa and I planted Nikau. It was really awesome. When we walked back to School my legs were jelly and I nearly DIED from happiness and extreme tiredness!😆😫

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Fidget Spinner Art

A few weeks ago, Te Ngahere wrote a persuasive about Why Fidget Spinners Should Not be Allowed in Class of School.  For the follow up activity Te Maunga and Te Ngahere made Fidget Spinner Art. The WALT was use space, crayon and dye. First we lightly sketched out our Fidget Spinner design, next coloured it in with crayon. Finally we dyed them. Here are some pictures and my persuasive .

Monday, June 26, 2017

Ice Cold Cream

A few weeks ago Te Ngahere started to work on some reading around how ice cream is made. The WALT was to answer inference questions. The teachers promised that if the whole class finished their learning plans, then we could make ICE CREAM on Friday. On Wednesday we got lucky and everybody finished them. So we made ICE CREAM! We had to work in peers so I was with Astin. After that we wrote a recount. I was focusing on Metaphors. Here are some pictures and my recount.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Tim Tipene's Visit

Last week on Thursday, Tim Tipene came to assembly. Tim Tipene is a talented NZ author. He read us some of his books, my favourite was Hinemoa Te Toa. These are some of his books: Maui the Sun Catcher, The Wooden Fish, Taming the Taniwha and Kura Toa. He was super funny and I had A LOT of fun!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

My Amazing Narrative and Animation

A couple of weeks ago we had to make a character description, then a setting description for our character, next a narrative to go with it. In my narrative, I was focusing on ellipses, I achieved using ellipses in my writing. Lastly, we made an animation. Here is my narrative and animation. I hope you enjoy!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Paihia School Tryathalon

Last Friday we did the Paihia School Tryathlon. We had to walk down to the beach and wait for year 6 girls race. We ran into the water and along the waterfront, up the beach, across the road and run back to school. Then we biked twice around the field and through the middle. Our prize was a delicious chocolate covered muesli bar and an applause from the juniors.

Surf Life Safety

On Wednesday we went down to the beach for Surf Life safety lessons. There were three life gaurds, Sam Liam and Tobias. They talked to us about rips and what to be aware of at the beach. Then we played beach games. We were split in two groups. My group played a game called beach flags. Next we played a game with the surf life saving tubes. We had a lot of fun in the water and we learnt lots.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Beach Clean

Last week we went to the beach for a beach clean. Lily, Ava, Astin, Tessa and I found 371 cigarettes. Lily also found 5 fishing lines tangled in sticks and seaweed. The juniors cleaned one side of the beach and the seniors the other.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Three Headed Dog

I was learning how to write a descriptive piece about a fictional character. We had to write what they looked like were they lived and what they were doing. I did mine about a three headed dog. I think I did well on describing the appearance of the dog, although I think I need to  work on onomatopoeia.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Incredible Moa DNA

We were learning about the Moa and how it could possibly be bought back to life.  We had to create a digital learning object of of either a screencastify, thinglink or powtoon. We made a slide animation and then videoed us moving the slides.
Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Tango tangelo

Image result for tangelo colour

 Tango Tangelo The bright orange skin of the tangelo enhances your sight as soon as you get a glimpse of it. The tangy tangelo has crispy skin that flakes off when you peel it. 
 Under the skin a thin layer of white stringy stuff. I teared off a squishy segment and ripped it in half. The flesh was made of tiny orange transparent segments. The flesh was as shiney as an orange crystal I bit into the tutti frutti tangelo. My tongue did a little tango with my teeth as the taste melted into my throat. My tiny taste buds tingled with pleasure. It was as scrumptious as scrumptious can be. The juice squirted onto my hand and dribbled down my arm. DELICIOS! ! !

 In class we were learning how to write a descriptive piece of writing. We had to examine and taste a tasty tangelo our teacher bought in, then we had to write about it. I think I did well at putting in descriptive words. I also think I need to work on adding in similes and onomatapoeia. I love writing descriptive stories.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I Remember

Image result for string lights pngI was learning how to notice the structure of a piece of descriptive writing.
The first line was what you were doing.
The second line you had to describe something that was happening.
On the third line you had to describe something you did.
The fourth line was why you did it and we had to figure out what the rest of the structure. I think I did well in putting in descriptive words. I think I need to improve in adding similes.


I Remember . . .
Tying up my blonde hair and pulling on my flowery costume.
Bright, coloured fairy lights ringed the party area.
Kina, the adorable puppy scampered up to me and licked me with his sandpaper tongue.
Loud music started drumming in my ears.
As I walk, people come into view with amazing costumes on.
A burst of colour catches my eye, it was the food!
Sticky puddings, bright fruit salads and healthy sandwiches.
I hear children laughing, I follow the giggling with Kina trotting by my side.
That was my Summer.